When we order a pizza it comes as whole in a box and when we open the box is divided into parts. By this, we understand that fractions represent the whole of an object that is separated into equal parts. Also, from this, we come to another part of the fractions that are the components of a fraction which are the numerator and denominator. The numerator is the equal parts of the pizza and the denominator is the number that the pizza is divided as a whole.
So, we take the example of the pizza and explain it for a better understanding. Usually, a pizza comes divided into 8 pieces so we have a whole number that is divided into 8 pieces. When we get one slice from the pizza and put it onto a plate the plate becomes a fraction that is equal to 1/8 and the remaining slice on the box becomes a fraction of 7/8. Numbers 1 and 7 are the numerators and 8 is a denominator.
A fraction can be represented as a percentage of a whole number or in decimal numbers. In the percentage part, 1/8 is equal to 12.5% and 7/8 is equal to 87.5% of the whole pizza. For the decimal numbers, part 1/8 is represented as 0.125, and 7/8 is represented as 0.875. Now from reading we understand that a fraction can be the percentage of a number and also can be a number with a decimal point and from this one question is raised about how this is calculated. To make your life easier we have created a calculator to convert or calculate fractions into percentages or decimal numbers. Also after the calculations we will provide the steps of how the calculations are done. You will find other calculators about fractions and explanations about them in other articles and some will be in this article.
Below you will find the calculators for calculating :
- Decimal to fraction
- Fraction to decimal
- Percetange to fraction
- Fraction to percetange